Discover the Benefits of Conscious Breathing with Xavi Breaths Breathwork Session in Puerto Vallarta

Discover the Benefits of Conscious Breathing with Xavi Breaths Breathwork Session in Puerto Vallarta

Attention all seekers of #relaxation and #healing!

Xavi Breath, an #expert in breathwork techniques, is offering a #breathwork #session on May 24th in #PuertoVallarta, Jalisco.

Xavi Breath’s #breathwork session will include breathing #techniques, sounds, and other methods to help people connect with their emotions, relax, and foster #creativity and #healing.

The event will take place at Casa Llarta del Jardín at 8:00 pm and will be bilingual.

This event is a unique opportunity to #experience the #benefits of breathwork and receive a #guided session by one of the experts in the field. 

The session cost $250.

Don’t miss the #opportunity to attend this breathwork session with Xavi Breath.

Reserve your spot today and begin your journey towards healing and well-being!

Contact us for more information.

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